· By Steve Vaughn

Free To Worship - Breaking Through Barriers

Religious people say a lot of things about how you and I are supposed to worship. And funny thing is, It has been that way for a long time. Even back when Jesus was walking this earth there, were people who would put all sorts of rules, traditions, and even barriers in place for a person to worship in a way that was deemed acceptable by other people. As most people would acknowledge, this was, and is, flat out unacceptable on its face.  Yet somehow, although the rules, traditions and barriers have changed over time, we can easily fall into this trap today. Or, we tend to create our own rules, traditions, and barriers which impede our worship of God.

Think about this for second: have you ever told yourself you need to be in a certain place such as a church to worship? Or, maybe you feel you need to be alone? Someone else might feel they need to be in a crowd. At times, many of us feel that we need to get ourselves together more before we can worship God.

My point is this, we all put limitations on ourselves when it comes to how we worship God.

So who is right? Should we listen to what others say? Or, should we make up our own rules?

Let's look at what Jesus Had to say about this. 

Here are some words of from Jesus in found in John 4:23. “But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.”

According to Jesus himself, there are the only two requirements for us to be able to worship. Spirit and Truth! These are the only two inseparable ingredients for worshipping God.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Are there any barriers in your life that are keeping you from worshipping in spirit and in truth? If so, ask God to help you remove them and enjoy the freedom to truly worship!