Be Still and Know
By Steve Vaughn
in a world striving to show its strength, power and self-reliance, we have the opportunity to be true worshippers by letting go of our individual striving and grasping. -
Holy Confidence
By Steve Vaughn
Those sources of confidence will all eventually meet an opposing force that is greater than them and they will all eventually fail. -
Free To Worship - Breaking Through Barriers
By Steve Vaughn
At times, many of us feel that we need to get ourselves together more before we can worship God. According to Jesus, we need only two things to be able to worship.
The Worship Life
By Steve Vaughn
Worship is a recognition of the supremacy of God, emanating from the heart, expressed by actions. -
True and Proper Worship
By Steve Vaughn
"offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”