· By Steve Vaughn
Unshakable and Immoveable
Psalm 46:1 says God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
The safest of safe places is found in God alone. There are many places one can seek as places for refuge for when difficult times come. However, it is only when those places are battle-tested that one finds out if what they had built as a refuge will actually stand up to an opposing force. David wrote this psalm as a person who had been through many battles and had the experience to unequivocally state that “God is our refuge and strength.”
Not only is the best place of refuge found in God alone, He is always there; He is “ever-present.” He has never shrunk back from a fight and he never will. He is unshakable and immovable. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We can trust that the God of our refuge will never fail.
The strongest of fortresses is to be under the holy protection of the most high God.
Go live the Worship Life!
Steven Lee Vaughn